Friday, September 21, 2012

Houston Chronicle

On Friday September 21st the Houston chronicle Published an article on the 1984 slaying of friend in Forth Worth, Texas. This article can show you that end the end if you will ever do something to harm another human that you will eventually have consequences for your actions. It's the main point in the article is that he had stabbing her 50 times and even if you did this on drugs it was you that did the crime not the drugs. Yes they were apart of it but he was the one that had did the crime. The murder of a young college girl just because she didn't want a romantic relationship with him. I can't understand how someone could do that if they reject you just move on don't try and kill them, but you don't know how some people operate and that's what takes apart of the craziness he had. He wasn't ever convicted of it in 1984 for lack of evidence. Which is sad because it would have been better for them to have caught the murder that year or close to the year she was murdered. Even that it has taken more then 20 years to convicted this murderer in the end the law will come and get you for your bad actions. Consequently he was convicted to life in prison which had given closer to the mother. I think the mother was finally able to let her daughter rest in peace that her murder was finally put to end when he was convicted.

1 comment:

  1. I heard about this and I think you really have a good point here. I totally agree that anyone who does some harm will eventually pay the consequences but the sad part is that the people with money nowadays most likely just pay for it and get through instead of getting punished.
